When I was young I used to think the only certain thing about life was that I should one day die. Now I think the only certain thing about life is that there is no such thing as death.
 Samuel Butler, The Note-Books of Samuel Butler (1912). copy citation

Author Samuel Butler
Source The Note-Books of Samuel Butler
Topic death life
Date 1912
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/6173/6173-h/6173-h.htm


“To die completely, a person must not only forget but be forgotten, and he who is not forgotten is not dead. This is as old as non omnis moriar and a great deal older, but very few people realise it.
Life and Death
When I was young I used to think the only certain thing about life was that I should one day die. Now I think the only certain thing about life is that there is no such thing as death. The Defeat of Death
There is nothing which at once affects a man so much and so little as his own death. It is a case in which the going-to-happen-ness of a thing is of greater importance than the actual thing itself which cannot be of importance to the man who dies, for Death cuts his own throat in the matter of hurting people.” source