Folly is the shield of shame, as unreadiness is that of poverty glorified.
 Leonardo da Vinci, The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci (1478 – 1519). copy citation

Author Leonardo da Vinci
Source The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci
Topic poverty shame
Date 1478 – 1519
Language English
Note Translated by Jean Paul Richter in 1888


“Some there are who are nothing else than a passage for food and augmentors of excrement and fillers of privies, because through them no other things in the world, nor any good effects are produced, since nothing but full privies results from them. On foolishness and ignorance (1180—1182) . 1180. The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions. 1181. Folly is the shield of shame, as unreadiness is that of poverty glorified. 1182. Blind ignorance misleads us thus and delights with the results of lascivious joys. Because it does not know the true light. Because it does not know what is the true light. Vain splendour takes from us the power of being ....” source