Men will have such cruel maladies that they will tear their flesh with their own nails.
 Leonardo da Vinci, The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci (1478 – 1519). copy citation

Author Leonardo da Vinci
Source The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci
Topic tears flesh
Date 1478 – 1519
Language English
Note Translated by Jean Paul Richter in 1888


“Again the air will be filled with a mischievous winged race which will assail men and beasts and feed upon them with much noise— filling themselves with scarlet blood. 1299. Blood will be seen issuing from the torn flesh of men, and trickling down the surface. Men will have such cruel maladies that they will tear their flesh with their own nails. * (The Itch.) * Plants will be seen left without leaves, and the rivers standing still in their channels. The waters of the sea will rise above the high peaks of the mountains towards heaven and fall again on to the dwellings of men.” source