“ There is a certain wisdom of humanity which is common to the greatest men with the lowest, and which our ordinary education often labors to silence and obstruct. ”
Ralph Waldo Emerson, The Over-Soul (1841). copy citation
Author | Ralph Waldo Emerson |
Source | The Over-Soul |
Topic | humanity wisdom |
Date | 1841 |
Language | English |
Reference | in "Essays: First Series" |
Note | |
Weblink | https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Essays:_First_Series/The_Over-Soul |
“It arches over them like a temple, this unity of thought, in which every heart beats with nobler sense of power and duty, and thinks and acts with unusual solemnity. All are conscious of attaining to a higher self-possession. It shines for all. There is a certain wisdom of humanity which is common to the greatest men with the lowest, and which our ordinary education often labors to silence and obstruct. The mind is one, and the best minds, who love truth for its own sake, think much less of property in truth. They accept it thankfully everywhere, and do not label or stamp it with any man's name, for it is theirs long beforehand, and from eternity.”