Has Civilization bettered the lot of the average man?
 Jack London, The People of the Abyss (1903). copy citation

Author Jack London
Source The People of the Abyss
Topic average
Date 1903
Language English
Weblink https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_People_of_the_Abyss


“In this final chapter it were well to look at the Social Abyss in its widest aspect, and to put certain questions to Civilization, by the answers to which Civilization must stand or fall. For instance, has Civilization bettered the lot of man? "Man" I use in its democratic sense, meaning the average man. So the question reshapes itself: Has Civilization bettered the lot of the average man? Let us see. In Alaska, along the banks of the Yukon River, near its mouth, live the Innuit folk. They are a very primitive people, manifesting but mere glimmering adumbrations of that tremendous artifice, Civilization.” source