When one is young, one marries out of mere curiosity, just to see what it's like.
 George Bernard Shaw, The Philanderer (1893). copy citation

Author George Bernard Shaw
Source The Philanderer
Topic curiosity
Date 1893
Language English
Weblink https://www.gutenberg.org/files/5071/5071-h/5071-h.htm


“Have you forgotten that I am a widow? Do you think I married Tranfield for money? CHARTERIS. How do I know? Besides, you might have married him not because you loved him, but because you didn't love anybody else. When one is young, one marries out of mere curiosity, just to see what it's like. GRACE. Well, since you ask me, I never was in love with Tranfield, though I only found that out when I fell in love with you. But I used to like him for being in love with me. It brought out all the good in him so much that I have wanted to be in love with some one ever since.” source