A nation is really strong when everybody's got a piece of the action.
 Frank Zappa, The Real Frank Zappa Book (1989). copy citation

Author Frank Zappa
Source The Real Frank Zappa Book
Topic action nation
Date 1989
Language English
Weblink http://pierroule.com/ZappaRealBook/TheRFZBook.htm


“If you don't -- who gives a shit? The strongest defense any nation can have is a robust economy. What is that? Have we ever really seen one? The trickle-downers think it's 'robust' when the guys in the Fortune 500 clean up. A nation is really strong when everybody's got a piece of the action. Everybody. We have been criminalized by our own tax code -- ninety-seven percent of the population has to chisel and scam to survive. This is not 'robust.' Are we too stupid to create a real national defense?” source