If the artist can't sing the song he wants to sing, release the record he wants to release, and earn the living he is entitled to earn from doing what he loves, he is cheated, and the audience is cheated -- because they don't get to hear the best work of the artist -- only that which he is allowed to release. Will the artists ever get back in control?
 Frank Zappa, The Real Frank Zappa Book (1989). copy citation

Author Frank Zappa
Source The Real Frank Zappa Book
Topic audience love
Date 1989
Language English
Weblink http://pierroule.com/ZappaRealBook/TheRFZBook.htm


“If you make a record, you are not automatically assured that the song you wrote and recorded will reach the marketplace, because some coward in the record company may come up and say he can't allow it to escape for 'moral' reasons. If the artist can't sing the song he wants to sing, release the record he wants to release, and earn the living he is entitled to earn from doing what he loves, he is cheated, and the audience is cheated -- because they don't get to hear the best work of the artist -- only that which he is allowed to release. Will the artists ever get back in control? Tune in again tomorrow, folks. CHAPTER 16 Church & State I know you've heard it all before, but, one more time, folks: The U.S. Constitution specifies that the church and state be kept separate. Besides the Moral Majority, a lot of other entities in the TV religion industry claim to be conservative but are, in fact, the U.S.” source