If something is hateful, you should at least know what it is you're hating so you can avoid it in the future.
 Frank Zappa, The Real Frank Zappa Book (1989). copy citation

Author Frank Zappa
Source The Real Frank Zappa Book
Topic future hate
Date 1989
Language English
Weblink http://pierroule.com/ZappaRealBook/TheRFZBook.htm


“The contemporary 'harmony textbook' is the embodiment of those evils, in catalog form. When I was handed my first book and told to do the exercises, I hated the sound of the 'sample passages.' I studied them anyway. If something is hateful, you should at least know what it is you're hating so you can avoid it in the future. Many compositions that have been accepted as "GREAT ART" through the years reek of these hateful practices. For example, the rule of harmony that says: The second degree of the scale should go to the fifth degree of the scale, which should go to the first degree of the scale” source