Souls which get thrilled so easily are at the best only capable of producing an artist.
 Stendhal, The Red and the Black (1830). copy citation

Author Stendhal
Source The Red and the Black
Topic soul artist
Date 1830
Language English
Note Translated by Horace B. Samuel


“Julien's soul exalted by these sounds with all their virile fulness, instead of making these wise reflections, wandered in the realm of imagination. He will never turn out a good priest or a good administrator. Souls which get thrilled so easily are at the best only capable of producing an artist. At this moment the presumption of Julien bursts out into full view. Perhaps fifty of his comrades in the seminary made attentive to the realities of life by their own unpopularity and the Jacobinism which they are taught to see hiding behind every hedge, would have had no other thought suggested by the great bell of the cathedral except the wages of the ringers.” source