The individual is nominally free, but he is also powerless in a world bound hand and foot in the chains of economic necessity.
 Plato, The Republic. copy citation

Author Plato
Source The Republic
Topic necessity economics
Language English
Note Translated by Benjamin Jowett


“On the other hand it may be doubted whether our present notions of property are not conventional, for they differ in different countries and in different states of society. We boast of an individualism which is not freedom, but rather an artificial result of the industrial state of modern Europe. The individual is nominally free, but he is also powerless in a world bound hand and foot in the chains of economic necessity. Even if we cannot expect the mass of mankind to become disinterested, at any rate we observe in them a power of organization which fifty years ago would never have been suspected. The same forces which have revolutionized the political system of Europe, may effect a similar change in the social and industrial relations of mankind.” source