The man is mean, saving, toiling, the slave of one passion which is the master of the rest
 Plato, The Republic. copy citation

Author Plato
Source The Republic
Topic passion savings
Language English
Note Translated by Benjamin Jowett


“the rational and spirited elements sit humbly on the ground at either side, the one immersed in calculation, the other absorbed in the admiration of wealth. The love of honour turns to love of money; the conversion is instantaneous. The man is mean, saving, toiling, the slave of one passion which is the master of the rest: Is he not the very image of the State? He has had no education, or he would never have allowed the blind god of riches to lead the dance within him. And being uneducated he will have many slavish desires, some beggarly, some knavish, breeding in his soul.” source