Is the practice of virtue obligatory on the rich man, or can he live without it?
 Plato, The Republic. copy citation

Author Plato
Source The Republic
Topic virtue practice
Language English
Note Translated by Benjamin Jowett


“Then you never heard of the saying of Phocylides, that as soon as a man has a livelihood he should practise virtue? Nay, he said, I think that he had better begin somewhat sooner. Let us not have a dispute with him about this, I said; but rather ask ourselves: Is the practice of virtue obligatory on the rich man, or can he live without it? And if obligatory on him, then let us raise a further question, whether this dieting of disorders, which is an impediment to the application of the mind in carpentering and the mechanical arts, does not equally stand in the way of the sentiment of Phocylides?” source