When a man is paralleling your mental processes, ditch him.
 Jack London, The Road (1907). copy citation

Author Jack London
Source The Road
Topic process
Date 1907
Language English
Weblink https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Road


“But when he began tossing chunks of coal into the hole on top of me, I gave up and for the third time was fired out. Also, he informed me in warm terms of what would happen to me if he caught me in there again. I changed my tactics. When a man is paralleling your mental processes, ditch him. Abruptly break off your line of reasoning, and go off on a new line. This I did. I hid between some cars on an adjacent side-track, and watched. Sure enough, that con came back again to the car. He opened the door, he climbed up, he called, he threw coal into the hole I had made.” source