Emotional delight is more filling and lasting than intellectual delight
 Jack London, The Sea-Wolf (1904). copy citation

Author Jack London
Source The Sea-Wolf
Topic delight
Date 1904
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1074/1074-h/1074-h.htm


“He who delights the most lives the most, and your dreams and unrealities are less disturbing to you and more gratifying than are my facts to me.” He shook his head slowly, pondering. “I often doubt, I often doubt, the worthwhileness of reason. Dreams must be more substantial and satisfying. Emotional delight is more filling and lasting than intellectual delight; and, besides, you pay for your moments of intellectual delight by having the blues. Emotional delight is followed by no more than jaded senses which speedily recuperate. I envy you, I envy you.” He stopped abruptly, and then on his lips formed one of his strange quizzical smiles, as he added:” source