Even in populated India a man cannot a day sit still before the wild things run over him as though he were a rock
 Rudyard Kipling, The Second Jungle Book (1895). copy citation

Author Rudyard Kipling
Source The Second Jungle Book
Topic running
Date 1895
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1937/1937-h/1937-h.htm


“Hiving and harvest, rice-sowing and husking, passed before his eyes, all embroidered down there on the many-sided plots of fields, and he thought of them all, and wondered what they all led to at the long last. Even in populated India a man cannot a day sit still before the wild things run over him as though he were a rock; and in that wilderness very soon the wild things, who knew Kali’s Shrine well, came back to look at the intruder. The langurs, the big gray-whiskered monkeys of the Himalayas, were, naturally, the first, for they are alive with curiosity;” source