The best place for absurdity is in the midst of what is already absurd — then we have the play of fancy without the sense of ineptitude. Things amuse us in the mouth of a fool that would not amuse us in that of a gentleman
 George Santayana, The Sense of Beauty (1896). copy citation

Author George Santayana
Source The Sense of Beauty
Topic absurdity ineptitude
Date 1896
Language English


“The same exhilaration might have come without the falsification, just as repose follows more swiftly after pleasant than after painful exertions. Fun is a good thing, but only when it spoils nothing better. The best place for absurdity is in the midst of what is already absurd — then we have the play of fancy without the sense of ineptitude. Things amuse us in the mouth of a fool that would not amuse us in that of a gentleman; a fact which shows how little incongruity and degradation have to do with our pleasure in the comic. In fact, there is a kind of congruity and method even in fooling. The incongruous and the degraded displease us even there, as by their nature they must at all times.” source