Art exists and has value by its adaptation to these universal conditions of beauty.
 George Santayana, The Sense of Beauty (1896). copy citation

Author George Santayana
Source The Sense of Beauty
Topic beauty adaptation
Date 1896
Language English


“but it remained for some thinkers of our time — a time of little art and much undisciplined production — to erect this abuse into a principle and declare that the essence of beauty is to express the artist and not to delight the world. But the conditions of effect, and the possibility of pleasing, are the only criterion of what is capable and worthy of expression. Art exists and has value by its adaptation to these universal conditions of beauty. Nothing but the good of life enters into the texture of the beautiful. What charms us in the comic, what stirs us in the sublime and touches us in the pathetic, is a glimpse of some good; imperfection has value only as an incipient perfection.” source