The greater part of life is carried on, not by following inclination under the control of rule, but by having no inclination but that of following a rule.
 John Stuart Mill, The Subjection of Women (1869). copy citation

Author John Stuart Mill
Source The Subjection of Women
Topic life rules
Date 1869
Language English


“In other countries, the taught opinion, or the requirement of society, may be the stronger power, but the promptings of the individual nature are always visible under it, and often resisting it: rule may be stronger than nature, but nature is still there. In England, rule has to a great degree substituted itself for nature. The greater part of life is carried on, not by following inclination under the control of rule, but by having no inclination but that of following a rule. Now this has its good side doubtless, though it has also a wretchedly bad one; but it must render an Englishman peculiarly ill-qualified to pass a judgment on the original tendencies of human nature from his own experience.” source