The more we descend in the scale of humanity, the intenser it is
 John Stuart Mill, The Subjection of Women (1869). copy citation

Author John Stuart Mill
Source The Subjection of Women
Topic humanity
Date 1869
Language English


“but on the other hand, men would be much more unselfish and self-sacrificing than at present, because they would no longer be taught to worship their own will as such a grand thing that it is actually the law for another rational being. There is nothing which men so easily learn as this self-worship: all privileged persons, and all privileged classes, have had it. The more we descend in the scale of humanity, the intenser it is; and most of all in those who are not, and can never expect to be, raised above any one except an unfortunate wife and children. The honourable exceptions are proportionally fewer than in the case of almost any other human infirmity.” source