An Englishman does not know nature, because he has had no opportunity of observing it
 John Stuart Mill, The Subjection of Women (1869). copy citation

Author John Stuart Mill
Source The Subjection of Women
Topic opportunity
Date 1869
Language English


“An Englishman's errors are negative, a Frenchman's [Pg 125] positive. An Englishman fancies that things do not exist, because he never sees them; a Frenchman thinks they must always and necessarily exist, because he does see them. An Englishman does not know nature, because he has had no opportunity of observing it; a Frenchman generally knows a great deal of it, but often mistakes it, because he has only seen it sophisticated and distorted. For the artificial state superinduced by society disguises the natural tendencies of the thing which is the subject of observation, in two different ways:” source