We do not love our country merely as a part of the great society of mankind
 Adam Smith, The Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759). copy citation

Author Adam Smith
Source The Theory of Moral Sentiments
Topic society love
Date 1759
Language English
Weblink https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Theory_of_Moral_Sentiments


“The British subject, however, who, upon that account, should prefer upon all occasions the prosperity of the former to that of the latter country, would not be thought a good citizen of Great Britain. We do not love our country merely as a part of the great society of mankind: we love it for its own sake, and independently of any such consideration. That wisdom which contrived the system of human affections, as well as that of every other part of nature, seems to have judged that the interest of the great society of mankind would be best promoted by directing the principal attention of each individual to that particular portion of it, which was most within the sphere both of his abilities and of his understanding.” source