I do not hold life dear enough to be afraid of death.
 Alexandre Dumas, The Three Musketeers (1844). copy citation

Author Alexandre Dumas
Source The Three Musketeers
Topic death life
Date 1844
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1257/1257-h/1257-h.htm


““you have constituted yourselves judges, without remembering that they who punish without license to punish are assassins?” “Monseigneur, I swear to you that I never for an instant had the intention of defending my head against you. I willingly submit to any punishment your Eminence may please to inflict upon me. I do not hold life dear enough to be afraid of death.” “Yes, I know you are a man of a stout heart, monsieur,” said the cardinal, with a voice almost affectionate; “I can therefore tell you beforehand you shall be tried, and even condemned.” “Another might reply to your Eminence that he had his pardon in his pocket.” source