If the mystical truth that comes to a man proves to be a force that he can live by, what mandate have we of the majority to order him to live in another way?
 William James, The Varieties of Religious Experience (1902). copy citation

Author William James
Source The Varieties of Religious Experience
Topic truth force
Date 1902
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/621/621-h/621-h.html


“As a matter of psychological fact, mystical states of a well-pronounced and emphatic sort are usually authoritative over those who have them.279 They have been “there,” and know. It is vain for rationalism to grumble about this. If the mystical truth that comes to a man proves to be a force that he can live by, what mandate have we of the majority to order him to live in another way? We can throw him into a prison or a madhouse, but we cannot change his mind—we commonly attach it only the more stubbornly to its beliefs.280 It mocks our utmost efforts, as a matter of fact, and in point of logic it absolutely escapes our jurisdiction.” source