Woman's heart and love are a shrewd device of Nature, a trap which she sets for the average man, to force him into working. But the wise man will always prefer work chosen by himself.
 William James, The Varieties of Religious Experience (1902). copy citation

Author William James
Source The Varieties of Religious Experience
Topic love women
Date 1902
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/621/621-h/621-h.html


“The wise man is satisfied with the more modest but much more definite term contentment. What education should chiefly aim at is to save us from a discontented life. Health is one favoring condition, but by no means an indispensable one, of contentment. Woman's heart and love are a shrewd device of Nature, a trap which she sets for the average man, to force him into working. But the wise man will always prefer work chosen by himself.” 76. Ribot: Psychologie des sentiments, p. 54. 77. A. Gratry: Souvenirs de ma jeunesse, 1880, pp. 119-121, abridged. Some persons are affected with anhedonia permanently, or at any rate with a loss of the usual appetite for life.” source