As there are men endowed only with the sensitive faculty who reject what is offered them in the way of objects of the pure understanding, so there are intellectual men who reject and avoid the things perceived by the prophetic faculty.
 William James, The Varieties of Religious Experience (1902). copy citation

Author William James
Source The Varieties of Religious Experience
Topic sensitive
Date 1902
Language English


““Whoever has had no experience of the transport knows of the true nature of prophetism nothing but the name. He may meanwhile be sure of its existence, both by experience and by what he hears the Sufis say. As there are men endowed only with the sensitive faculty who reject what is offered them in the way of objects of the pure understanding, so there are intellectual men who reject and avoid the things perceived by the prophetic faculty. A blind man can understand nothing of colors save what he has learned by narration and hearsay. Yet God [pg 405] has brought prophetism near to men in giving them all a state analogous to it in its principal characters.” source