If one can give men a room to themselves where they will sit, it's all to the good.
 Virginia Woolf, The Voyage Out (1915). copy citation

Author Virginia Woolf
Source The Voyage Out
Topic good
Date 1915
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/144/144-h/144-h.htm


“Grice, the steward, to Ridley himself. A few minutes later Rachel passed the smoking-room, and found Helen moving arm-chairs. She was absorbed in her arrangements, and on seeing Rachel remarked confidentially: "If one can give men a room to themselves where they will sit, it's all to the good. Arm-chairs are the important things—" She began wheeling them about. "Now, does it still look like a bar at a railway station?" She whipped a plush cover off a table. The appearance of the place was marvellously improved.” source