we can never anticipate the unseen good or evil that may come upon us suddenly out of space.
 H. G. Wells, The War of the Worlds (1898). copy citation

Author H. G. Wells
Source The War of the Worlds
Topic evil anticipating
Date 1898
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/36/36-h/36-h.htm


“At any rate, whether we expect another invasion or not, our views of the human future must be greatly modified by these events. We have learned now that we cannot regard this planet as being fenced in and a secure abiding place for Man; we can never anticipate the unseen good or evil that may come upon us suddenly out of space. It may be that in the larger design of the universe this invasion from Mars is not without its ultimate benefit for men; it has robbed us of that serene confidence in the future which is the most fruitful source of decadence, the gifts to human science it has brought are enormous, and it has done much to promote the conception of the commonweal of mankind.” source