The ordinary rate of profit always rises more or less with the risk.
 Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations (1776). copy citation

Author Adam Smith
Source The Wealth of Nations
Topic risk profit
Date 1776
Language English
Reference An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations


“These are, in general, less uncertain in the inland than in the foreign trade, and in some branches of foreign trade than in others; in the trade to North America, for example, than in that to Jamaica. The ordinary rate of profit always rises more or less with the risk. It does not, however, seem to rise in proportion to it, or so as to compensate it completely. Bankruptcies are most frequent in the most hazardous trades. The most hazardous of all trades, that of a smuggler, though, when the adventure succeeds, it is likewise the most profitable, is the infallible road to bankruptcy.” source