In every improved society, the farmer is generally nothing but a farmer
 Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations (1776). copy citation

Author Adam Smith
Source The Wealth of Nations
Topic society
Date 1776
Language English
Reference An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations


“This separation, too, is generally carried furthest in those countries which enjoy the highest degree of industry and improvement; what is the work of one man, in a rude state of society, being generally that of several in an improved one. In every improved society, the farmer is generally nothing but a farmer; the manufacturer, nothing but a manufacturer. The labour, too, which is necessary to produce any one complete manufacture, is almost always divided among a great number of hands. How many different trades are employed in each branch of the linen and woollen manufactures, from the growers of the flax and the wool, to the bleachers and smoothers of the linen, or to the dyers and dressers of the cloth!” source