An instructed and intelligent people, besides, are always more decent and orderly than an ignorant and stupid one.
 Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations (1776). copy citation

Author Adam Smith
Source The Wealth of Nations
Date 1776
Language English
Reference An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations


“The state, however, derives no inconsiderable advantage from their instruction. The more they are instructed, the less liable they are to the delusions of enthusiasm and superstition, which, among ignorant nations frequently occasion the most dreadful disorders. An instructed and intelligent people, besides, are always more decent and orderly than an ignorant and stupid one. They feel themselves, each individually, more respectable, and more likely to obtain the respect of their lawful superiors, and they are, therefore, more disposed to respect those superiors. They are more disposed to examine, and more capable of seeing through, the interested complaints of faction and sedition;” source