No woman can resist admiration and presents—especially presents, provided they happen to be just the thing she wants.
 Wilkie Collins, The Woman in White (1859). copy citation

Author Wilkie Collins
Source The Woman in White
Topic admiration women
Date 1859
Language English


“It will be more to the purpose to tell you how he worked himself into my good graces. I was born with the tastes of a lady, and he gratified them—in other words, he admired me, and he made me presents. No woman can resist admiration and presents—especially presents, provided they happen to be just the thing she wants. He was sharp enough to know that—most men are. Naturally he wanted something in return—all men do. And what do you think was the something? The merest trifle. Nothing but the key of the vestry, and the key of the press inside it, when my husband's back was turned.” source