We are poor erring creatures, and however well established a woman's principles may be she cannot always keep on her guard against the temptation to exercise an idle curiosity.
 Wilkie Collins, The Woman in White (1859). copy citation

Author Wilkie Collins
Source The Woman in White
Topic curiosity temptation
Date 1859
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/583/583-h/583-h.htm


“Sir Percival cut them short by calling to his noble friend (using, I regret to say, a profane expression) to come into the library, and not to keep him waiting there any longer. I proceeded upstairs. We are poor erring creatures, and however well established a woman's principles may be she cannot always keep on her guard against the temptation to exercise an idle curiosity. I am ashamed to say that an idle curiosity, on this occasion, got the better of my principles, and made me unduly inquisitive about the question which Sir Percival had addressed to his noble friend at the library door.” source