How one man eats into another's pride, While pride is fasting in his wantonness!
 William Shakespeare, Troilus and Cressida (1609). copy citation

Author William Shakespeare
Source Troilus and Cressida
Topic pride eating
Date 1609
Language English
Note Written between 1600 and 1602


“Now shall we see to-morrow- An act that very chance doth throw upon him- Ajax renown'd. O heavens, what some men do, While some men leave to do! How some men creep in skittish Fortune's-hall, Whiles others play the idiots in her eyes! How one man eats into another's pride, While pride is fasting in his wantonness! To see these Grecian lords!-why, even already They clap the lubber Ajax on the shoulder, As if his foot were on brave Hector's breast, And great Troy shrinking. ACHILLES. I do believe it; for they pass'd by me As misers do by beggars-neither gave to me Good word nor look.” source