Wherever people sing thou canst safely settle down without a qualm as to what the general faith of the land may be Wherever people sing, no man is ever robbed
 Friedrich Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols (1889). copy citation

Author Friedrich Nietzsche
Source Twilight of the Idols
Topic faith land
Date 1889
Language English
Note Translated by Anthony M. Ludovici
Weblink https://www.gutenberg.org/files/52263/52263-h/52263-h.htm


“This is a reference to Seume's poem "Die Gesänge" the first verse of which is:— "Wo man singet, lass dich ruhig nieder, Ohne Furcht, was man im Lande glaubt; Wo man singet, wird kein Mensch beraubt: Bösewichter haben keine Lieder." (Wherever people sing thou canst safely settle down without a qualm as to what the general faith of the land may be Wherever people sing, no man is ever robbed; rascals have no songs.) Popular tradition, however, renders the lines thus:— "Wo man singt, da lass dich ruhig nieder; Base Menschen [evil men] haben keine Lieder." [Pg 9] THE PROBLEM OF SOCRATES 1” source