Men like me leave no posterity, but their souls are not lost. No man’s soul is ever lost.
 Joseph Conrad, Under Western Eyes (1911). copy citation

Author Joseph Conrad
Source Under Western Eyes
Topic soul posterity
Date 1911
Language English


“‘You must give me precise directions, and for the rest—depend on me.” “Ah! You are a fellow! Collected—cool as a cucumber. A regular Englishman. Where did you get your soul from? There aren’t many like you. Look here, brother! Men like me leave no posterity, but their souls are not lost. No man’s soul is ever lost. It works for itself—or else where would be the sense of self-sacrifice, of martyrdom, of conviction, of faith—the labours of the soul? What will become of my soul when I die in the way I must die—soon—very soon perhaps?” source