The world is a bad dog. It will bite you if you give it a chance
 Joseph Conrad, Victory: An Island Tale (1915). copy citation

Author Joseph Conrad
Source Victory: An Island Tale
Topic chance dog
Date 1915
Language English


““Odious enough, I dare say. And you, of course—not being a married man—were free to step in. Ah, well!” He sat down in the stern-sheets, and already had the steering lines in his hands when Heyst observed abruptly: “The world is a bad dog. It will bite you if you give it a chance; but I think that here we can safely defy the fates.” When relating all this to me, Davidson's only comment was: “Funny notion of defying the fates—to take a woman in tow!” CHAPTER SEVEN Some considerable time afterwards—we did not meet very often—I asked Davidson how he had managed about the shawl and heard that he had tackled his mission in a direct way, and had found it easy enough.” source