The oldest voice in the world is just the one that never ceases to speak.
 Joseph Conrad, Victory: An Island Tale (1915). copy citation

Author Joseph Conrad
Source Victory: An Island Tale
Topic voice world
Date 1915
Language English


“and he answered himself with the honest reflection: “There must be a lot of the original Adam in me, after all.” He reflected, too, with the sense of making a discovery, that this primeval ancestor is not easily suppressed. The oldest voice in the world is just the one that never ceases to speak. If anybody could have silenced its imperative echoes, it should have been Heyst's father, with his contemptuous, inflexible negation of all effort; but apparently he could not. There was in the son a lot of that first ancestor who, as soon as he could uplift his muddy frame from the celestial mould, started inspecting and naming the animals of that paradise which he was so soon to lose.” source