But the rich man—not to make any invidious comparison—is always sold to the institution which makes him rich.
 Henry David Thoreau, Walden (1854). copy citation

Author Henry David Thoreau
Source Walden
Topic comparison institutions
Date 1854
Language English
Weblink https://www.gutenberg.org/files/205/205-h/205-h.htm


“To such the State renders comparatively small service, and a slight tax is wont to appear exorbitant, particularly if they are obliged to earn it by special labor with their hands. If there were one who lived wholly without the use of money, the State itself would hesitate to demand it of him. But the rich man—not to make any invidious comparison—is always sold to the institution which makes him rich. Absolutely speaking, the more money, the less virtue; for money comes between a man and his objects, and obtains them for him; it was certainly no great virtue to obtain it. It puts to rest many questions which he would otherwise be taxed to answer;” source