Louisa May Alcott quote about end from Little Women - I make so many beginnings there never will be an end
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I make so many beginnings there never will be an end
 Louisa May Alcott, Little Women (1868). copy citation

Author Louisa May Alcott
Source Little Women
Topic end beginning
Date 1868
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/514/514-h/514-h.htm


“I got it all round. Even you cast me off over there, and I felt just ready to go to the deuce," he began apologetically.
"Don't talk that way, turn over a new leaf and begin again, Teddy, my son."
"I keep turning over new leaves, and spoiling them, as I used to spoil my copybooks, and I make so many beginnings there never will be an end," he said dolefully.
"Go and eat your dinner, you'll feel better after it. Men always croak when they are hungry," and Jo whisked out at the front door after that.
"That's a 'label' on my 'sect'," answered Laurie, quoting Amy, as he went to partake of humble pie dutifully with his grandfather, who was quite saintly in temper and overwhelmingly respectful in manner all the rest of the day.” source

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