Physical beauty is passing. A transitory possession. But beauty of the mind and richness of the spirit and tenderness of the heart–and I have all of those things–aren't taken away, but grow! Increase with the years!
 Tennessee Williams, A Streetcar Named Desire (1947). copy citation

Author Tennessee Williams
Source A Streetcar Named Desire
Topic mind time beauty
Date 1947
Language English


“Having great wealth sometimes makes people lonely! A cultivated woman, a woman of intelligence and breeding, can enrich a man's life—immeasurably! I have those things to offer, and this doesn't take them away. Physical beauty is passing. A transitory possession. But beauty of the mind and richness of the spirit and tenderness of the heart—and I have all of those things—aren't taken away, but grow! Increase with the years! How strange that I should be called a destitute woman! When I have all of these treasures locked in my heart. [A choked sob comes from her] I think of myself as a very, very rich woman! But I have been foolish—casting my pearls before swine!” source

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