Thomas Hardy quote about feelings from Far from the Madding Crowd - Sometimes I shrink from your knowing what I have felt for you, and sometimes I am distressed that all of it you never will know.
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Sometimes I shrink from your knowing what I have felt for you, and sometimes I am distressed that all of it you never will know.
 Thomas Hardy, Far from the Madding Crowd (1874). copy citation

Author Thomas Hardy
Source Far from the Madding Crowd
Topic feelings distress
Date 1874
Language English


“And if I said hasty words and showed uncalled-for heat of manner towards you, believe me, dear, I did not mean to distress you; I was in agony, Bathsheba, and I did not know what I said. You wouldn't let a dog suffer what I have suffered, could you but know it! Sometimes I shrink from your knowing what I have felt for you, and sometimes I am distressed that all of it you never will know. Be gracious, and give up a little to me, when I would give up my life for you!"
The trimmings of her dress, as they quivered against the light, showed how agitated she was, and at last she burst out crying.” source

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