Edith Wharton quote about drama from House of Mirth - She had no tolerance for scenes which were not of her own making
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She had no tolerance for scenes which were not of her own making
 Edith Wharton, House of Mirth (1905). copy citation

Author Edith Wharton
Source House of Mirth
Topic drama scene
Date 1905
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/284/284-h/284-h.htm


“"You needn't wait, Poleworth—I will ring for you," she said to the butler.
The butler withdrew with an air of silent disapproval, leaving the remains of the CHAUFROIX on the sideboard.
"What is the matter, Hudson? Are you ill?" said Mrs. Bart severely.
She had no tolerance for scenes which were not of her own making, and it was odious to her that her husband should make a show of himself before the servants.
"Are you ill?" she repeated.
"Ill?—— No, I'm ruined," he said.
Lily made a frightened sound, and Mrs. Bart rose to her feet.
"Ruined——?" she cried; but controlling herself instantly, she turned a calm face to Lily.” source

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