Oh, I assure you I've lots of time, my time is entirely my own!
 Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Idiot (1874). copy citation

Author Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Source The Idiot
Topic time availability
Date 1874
Language English
Note Translated by Eva Martin
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/2638/2638-h/2638-h.htm


“«Do you know, prince,» he said, in quite a different tone, «I do not know you at all, yet, and after all, Elizabetha Prokofievna would very likely be pleased to have a peep at a man of her own name. Wait a little, if you don't mind, and if you have time to spare?»
«Oh, I assure you I've lots of time, my time is entirely my own!» And the prince immediately replaced his soft, round hat on the table. «I confess, I thought Elizabetha Prokofievna would very likely remember that I had written her a letter. Just now your servant—outside there—was dreadfully suspicious that I had come to beg of you.” source

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