Waste not a day in vain digression:
With resolute, courageous trust
Seize every possible impression,
And make it firmly your possession;
 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust (1808). copy citation

Author Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Source Faust
Topic trust impression digression
Date 1808
Language English
Note Translated by Bayard Taylor
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/14591/14591-h/14591-h.htm


“If Poetry be your vocation, Let Poetry your will obey! Full well you know what here is wanting; The crowd for strongest drink is panting, And such, forthwith, I'd have you brew. What's left undone to-day, To-morrow will not do. Waste not a day in vain digression: With resolute, courageous trust Seize every possible impression, And make it firmly your possession; You'll then work on, because you must. Upon our German stage, you know it, Each tries his hand at what he will; So, take of traps and scenes your fill, And all you find, be sure to show it! Use both the great and lesser heavenly light,—” source

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