If at times our actions seem to make life difficult for others, it is only because history has made life difficult for us all.
 John F. Kennedy, State of the Union Address (14 January 1963). copy citation

Author John F. Kennedy
Source State of the Union Address
Topic history difficulty
Date 14 January 1963
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/5041/5041-h/5041-h.htm#3


“For 15 years no other free nation has demanded so much of itself. Through hot wars and cold, through recession and prosperity, through the ages of the atom and outer space, the American people have never faltered and their faith has never flagged. If at times our actions seem to make life difficult for others, it is only because history has made life difficult for us all.
But difficult days need not be dark. I think these are proud and memorable days in the cause of peace and freedom. We are proud, for example, of Major Rudolf Anderson who gave his life over the island of Cuba.” source

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