O! none, unless this miracle have might, that in black ink my love may still shine bright.
 William Shakespeare, Shakespeare's Sonnets (1609). copy citation

Author William Shakespeare
Source Shakespeare's Sonnets
Topic love shining
Date 1609
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1041/1041-h/1041-h.htm


“Nor gates of steel so strong but Time decays? O fearful meditation! where, alack,
Shall Time's best jewel from Time's chest lie hid? Or what strong hand can hold his swift foot back? Or who his spoil of beauty can forbid? O! none, unless this miracle have might,
That in black ink my love may still shine bright. LXVI Tired with all these, for restful death I cry, As to behold desert a beggar born, And needy nothing trimm'd in jollity, And purest faith unhappily forsworn,” source

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