There will always be a great difference between subduing a multitude and ruling a society.
 Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract (1762). copy citation

Author Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Source The Social Contract
Topic society oppression ruling
Date 1762
Language English
Reference Of the Social Contract, or Principles of Political Law, Book I
Note Translated by George Douglas Howard Cole


“It will always be equally foolish for a man to say to a man or to a people: "I make with you a convention wholly at your expense and wholly to my advantage; I shall keep it as long as I like, and you will keep it as long as I like."
5. That We Must Always Go Back to a First Convention[edit]
EVEN if I granted all that I have been refuting, the friends of despotism would be no better off. There will always be a great difference between subduing a multitude and ruling a society. Even if scattered individuals were successively enslaved by one man, however numerous they might be, I still see no more than a master and his slaves, and certainly not a people and its ruler; I see what may be termed an aggregation, but not an association; there is as yet neither public good nor body politic.” source
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