I was a man who thrived on solitude; without it I was like another man without food or water. Each day without solitude weakened me. I took no pride in my solitude; but I was dependent on it.
 Charles Bukowski, Factotum (1975). copy citation

Author Charles Bukowski
Source Factotum
Topic loneliness
Date 1975
Language English
Weblink https://libcom.org/files/Factotum%20-%20Charles%20Bukowski.pdf


“I got into bed, opened the bottle, worked the pillow into a hard knot behind my back, took a deep breath, and sat in the dark looking out of the window. It was the first time I had been alone for five days. I was a man who thrived on solitude; without it I was like another man without food or water. Each day without solitude weakened me. I took no pride in my solitude; but I was dependent on it. The darkness of the room was like sunlight to me. I took a drink of wine.
Suddenly the room filled with light. There was a clatter and a roar. The El ran level with the window of my room. A subway train had stopped there.” source

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