If they knew that it was good for them, it would be good for them, but as long as they don't know it's good for them, it will be bad for them.
 Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Demons (1872). copy citation

Author Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Source Demons
Topic good
Date 1872
Language English
Note Translated by Constance Garnett in 1916
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/8117/8117-h/8117-h.htm


“«And if anyone dies of hunger, and if anyone insults and outrages the little girl, is that good?»
«Yes! And if anyone blows his brains out for the baby, that's good too. And if anyone doesn't, that's good too. It's all good, all. It's good for all those who know that it's all good. If they knew that it was good for them, it would be good for them, but as long as they don't know it's good for them, it will be bad for them. That's the whole idea, the whole of it.»
«When did you find out you were so happy?»
«Last week, on Tuesday, no, Wednesday, for it was Wednesday by that time, in the night.»
«By what reasoning?»” source

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